Most of us are in group chats. They’re great for having a laugh, making plans, and keeping in touch with friends and family. But some people can still feel like they don’t belong in a group chat when they’re not very friendly or welcoming.
Making Group Chat Rules
It’s a good idea to have boundaries in place so that your group knows what type of behaviour is acceptable when interacting online. It means that everyone in the group follows your group rules and you expect others who join the group to follow them as well. You don’t always have to kick someone out for breaking these rules, but sometimes a reminder like “We have all agreed we wouldn’t do X” is good to speak out on if things get heated.
Resolving Drama
Drama can happen. And most of us do not want to be involved in someone’s drama online. A “no-drama” rule in place means nobody can get involved or make the group chat toxic. If you spot the drama going too far – and you see abusive language or a heated argument – you might insist that no drama can take place in the group chat. It’s better to sit down and listen to each other to resolve heated discussions.
When It's Not Banter
Banter can be fun until it becomes something else. Its not banter if someone is feeling hurt and not laughing. Banter might not be bullying; but it can look like it to someone on the receiving end. So watch the “no offence, but…” kinda comments and keep it clean when its about someone in the group chat. If you sense banter is actually hurting someone, its a good idea to PM them and ask if they are ok.