We have created a quick guide to prevention tips for parents, teachers, students and bus drivers for our prevention tips series. We have collated our top five tips for preventing bullying, however these are not exhaustive and you can find more information on tacklebullying.ie.
Teach your students social and emotional skills to help them navigate relationships and emotions
Peer Mentoring
Ask older students to informally teach and share their experiences with younger students – this is beneficial for all students
Explain to students that all forms of bullying are unacceptable and subject to discipline – even outside of school
Create a bullying contract with students which identifies various forms of bullying as examples of inappropriate behaviours
Cultivate a positive school environment by promoting values of respect, integrity, connectedness & belonging
Report it!
We believe the most effective way to seek help is from a trusted adult – from a teacher, school staff, parent or an older sibling
If it is safe todo so, intervene and discourage bullying behaviour when you see it
Be a friend
Assist and givesupport to someone who you think is being bullied – walk with them or sit with them at lunchtime
Know the signs
Signs of bullying can be:
-Low attendance at school
-Visible signs of anxiety
-Drop in school performance
Don’t Bully Back
Two wrongs don’t make a right – calmly tell the bully to stop or simply walk away
Kids may not disclose that they are being bullied. Watch out for signs of bullying and let them know you are there to help them
Know the signs
Signs a child is being bullied can be:
-Decreased appetite
-Hesitation going to school
Give advice
Help your child identify who to go to in their school if they are being bullied. Let them know that bullying is not ok
Monitor Technology
Monitor your child’s activities online and report any threatening content to the authorities
Positive Parenting
Model positive examples of relationships to children at home and with other people around them
Make your presence known
Let your passengers know you are paying attention to their behaviour – this could prevent bullying behaviour
If you have reason to suspect a passenger on your bus is being bullied, let them know you are there to help
Record any incidences of bullying you may witness on your bus – include the time and nature of the incident
Report any incidences of bullying to a teacher in the school or to the passenger’s parents if you are concerned
Don’t underestimate what you see
If you see any clues of bullying on your bus – don’t turn a blind eye, take action!