
What is Facebook?

Facebook is a free online social network service that was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg and became the largest social networking site in the world. Facebook is also connected to the messaging app ‘Messenger’ which allows Facebook users to message and call other users. Facebook requires users to be at least 13 to have an account.

How can we stay safe on Facebook?

Our advice is to discuss your privacy and safety concerns with the child before permitting use of the App. Throughout your child’s use of Instagram, you may wish to check and amend their Privacy and Security settings to those that suit you. Tacklebullying.ie has a parent’s guide to social media in the Information Hub section under ‘parents’ which contains steps you can take to improve safety and privacy on Facebook.

How do I talk to my child about it?

Have the conversation,

‘I heard about this app which may pose some risks, I think we should talk about the apps that you are using to ensure they are safe…I don’t think it’s safe to use because having images like that on your phone leaves you exposed and open to someone potentially taking advantage of that. I want you to know that if you ever feel concerned about any apps or websites you use you can come and talk to me about them.’

Finally, help them to set up any apps or register for websites as you can assess the apps they use and make sure they are installed with the highest privacy and security settings.

How Can You Tell If Your Child Has Downloaded It?

When Facebook has been downloaded on a Smartphone, it will have the following App logo design. This will be displayed on the app homepage. If this is not visible, you can check whether Facebook has been downloaded onto the phone through the App Store. Also you may be able to locate your child’s Facebook activity by searching for it.