Private Account: By default, accounts for individuals under 16 are set to private which means you can approve or deny follower requests, and only people you’ve approved as followers can see your content.
Accounts for individuals who are over 16 start out as public, which means anyone on TikTok can view your videos and post comments, or start a Duet to engage with the content you’ve created and shared.
Profile > icon in top right corner > privacy
Direct Messages: Direct Messages can be sent and received from ”Everyone’, Friends’ (creators that you follow, who also follow you back), or ‘No one’. Only registered accounts who are 16 and older are eligible for Direct Messages.
Profile > Privacy & Safety
Family Pairing: Lets parents link their TikTok account to their teen’s to enable a variety of content and privacy settings.
Find more information on Family Pairing.
Comment Controls: If you’re under age 16, in settings, you’ll see this set as ‘Friends’. This means only those who follow you and who you follow back can comment on your videos. You can change this to ‘No one’ to stop others from commenting on your videos based on your preference.
If you are 16 or 17 years old, in settings you’ll see this function set to ‘Everyone’. You can change this if you prefer to limit who is able to comment on your videos.
You also have the ability to delete any inappropriate comments posted on your videos. Just tap and hold the comment, then choose “delete”.
Block/delete a follower: You can block another user from viewing your content or sending you a message.
Profile > Followers > “…” on the follower you want to block > remove this follower
Who can view your videos: You can choose who can view your video on the post page each time you publish a video. You can choose to make it only visible to yourself, to your ‘Friends,’ or to wider TikTok community.
Create your video > on post screen press ‘who can watch this video’ > choose privacy setting
(On an existing video) “…” icon on video > privacy settings > who can watch this video > choose privacy setting